Episode 31 beginnt mit einem recht langen Teil zu #vfh17 & #jfmh17 aber wir sprechen dann auch noch über Gelesenes (trotz der Wärme bei der Aufzeichnung).
Was wir trinken
Markus: Augustiner
Christian: Kuddel Frisches Pils
Was wir gemacht haben
- OER Workshop in Weimar: http://jointly.info/announcement/12-13-6-17-transferworkshop-train-us-oer-trainer-fuer-oerinfo-projekte/
- Besuch Projektträger in Lübeck
- VFH Symposium in Lübeck
- Teilnahme Think Tank Weiterbildung SH in Lübeck
- Umzugshilfe bei Oliver Tacke in HH
Marke 27:45
- Blog Post: Public universities, management, expertise and trust https://christianfriedrich.org/english/public-universities-management-expertise-and-trust/ Blog Post: Towards Openness, Conscious online learning design https://towards-openness.org/about/conscious-online-learning-design/
- Blog Post: Virtually Connecting beim OERcamp17 https://christianfriedrich.org/deutsch/virtually-connecting-beim-oercamp17/
- #JFMH17 https://www.jfmh2017.uni-hamburg.de/
- Umzug Website Digital School http://www.leuphana.de/digital-school.html
Marke 41:40
Kommentar Matthias Fromm
Marke 43:15
Was wir gelesen haben
- Steve Wheeler, Walking Away; http://www.steve-wheeler.co.uk/2017/06/walking-away.html
Marke 45:40
- Thomas Damberger: Untergangspädagogik: http://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/433
- Markus Deimann: Humbodt überwinden! https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/de/blog/humboldt-ueberwinden-warum-digitale-bildung-nicht-aus-der-vergangenheit-gedacht-werden-kann
Marke 53:30
- Sascha Lobo: Bevormundung durch Technik. Die Maschine will doch nur Ihr Bestes: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/homepod-alexa-und-co-bevormundung-durch-kuenstliche-intelligenz-kolumne-a-1151017.html
Marke 56:30
- New York Times: The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America’s Schools: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/tech-billionaires-education-zuckerberg-facebook-hastings.html?&_r=1
Marke 1:00:10
- Benjamin Doxtdator, Education Unbundled: What knowledge will we lose if we automate the professions? http://www.longviewoneducation.org/education-unbundled-knowledge-will-lose-automate-professions/
Marke 1:12:35
- George Siemens, Digitizing Higher Education: http://www.elearnspace.org/blog/2017/06/08/new-project-digitizing-higher-education/ , https://www.edx.org/course/digitizing-higher-education-utarlingtonx-link-dhex
- Kommentar Stephen Downes: http://www.downes.ca/post/66814
Marke 1:17:20
- Janet Hughes, What a digital organization looks like: https://medium.com/doteveryone/what-a-digital-organisation-looks-like-82426a210ab8
Marke 1:19:10
- Martha Burtis‘ Keynote #domains17, Neither Locked in Nor Locked Out: http://wrapping.marthaburtis.net/2017/06/05/locked-in-out/
- „The building of sites is absolutely the core activity of Domain of One’s Own. When the project first started one of the things I would frequently say when talking to students about the web was that I wanted them to realize that the web was not something that happened to them but they were happening to. And I still believe this is an important message for our students to hear to and understand.“
Marke 1:23:30
- Jesse Stommel, Sean Michael Morris; A GUIDE FOR RESISTING EDTECH: THE CASE AGAINST TURNITIN: http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/hybridped/resisting-edtech/
Marke 1:31:05
- Martin Weller, Waiting for the edtech Rapture: http://blog.edtechie.net/edtech/waiting-for-the-ed-tech-rapture/
Marke 1:32:50
- Ian O’Brne, Hybrid Pedagogy: WAKEFULNESS AND DIGITALLY ENGAGED PUBLICS http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/hybridped/wakefulness-digitally-engaged-publics/
Marke 1:36:05
- Ben Williamson, Platform Capitalism in the Classroom, DML Research Hub: https://dmlcentral.net/platform-capitalism-classroom
Marke 1:40:35
- Carlo Perotta, Ben Williamson; The social life of Learning Analytics: cluster analysis and the ‘performance’ of algorithmic education http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17439884.2016.1182927
Marke 1:42:15
- Koalitionsvertrag für SH: https://sh-gruene.de/files/koav2017_-_2022.pdf (S.108: „Digitale Bildungsrevolution“), Dazu Podcast Empfehlung: Wie man Revolutionen macht, Deutschlandfunk Nova https://www.deutschlandfunknova.de/hoersaal
Marke 1:52:00
Rubrik: Größter Blödsinn der Woche
MyReplika: AI Chatbot (gratis)
Was wir tun werden
- OER-Camp in HH
- OERcamp in Hamburg, VirtuallyConnecting
- Domscheidt-Berg in Hamburg am 28.06. http://www.law-school.de/termin/bucerius-lab-lecture-mit-daniel-domscheit-berg/