Episode 27 wird bestimmt von Narrativen – mal explizit, mal implizit. Es geht um Definitionen von Open Pedagogy, The Social Life of Learning Analytics, Web Annotation, (Alp)Träume, und kostenfreie Online-Kurse (the animal formerly known as MOOC).
Shownotes: docs.google.com/document/d/1JgqyW…/edit?usp=sharing
Was wir trinken
Christian: Ananas-Saft
Markus: Augustiner Helles
Marke 3:35
Was wir gemacht haben
- Vortrag DGWF Tagung vorbereiten
- Am Webinar von e-teaching.org/HFD teilgenommen: “Strategien für Hochschullehre im digitalen Zeitalter”
- Workshop in Lübeck mit dem DISC (TU Kaiserslautern)
Marke 22:10
- Late first thoughts: TowardsOpenness at OER17
- Virtual Buddy für eine VC Session vom #ccsummit mit Alek Tarkowski, Lisette Kalshoven
- Vortrag Copyright und Creative Commons in der Veranstaltung “Refugees Welcome – Aber Wie?” http://refugees-welcome.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/
Marke 25:10
- Oliver Tacke, Manchmal steckt das Wichtige im Interludium
Marke 28:50
Was wir gelesen haben
- Maha Bali; Curation of Posts on Open Pedagogy
- Jim Luke; What’s Open? Are OER necessary?
- “If openness in resources is defined by permissions to use property, I argue that openness in pedagogy must be measured in terms of freedom, authority, and power of the learning process. To place the resources, the OER, as the prerequisite of openness of pedagogy is to commoditize and reify education itself, ultimately denying the possibility of critical pedagogy. Open pedagogy, and therefore open education and open learning, are more about freedom of action and authority than they are about property permissions.”
- Jim Luke; What’s Open? Are OER necessary?
Marke 46:00
- Carlo Perotta, Ben Williamson; The social life of Learning Analytics: cluster analysis and the ‘performance’ of algorithmic education (Danke an Martina für’s Teilen)
Marke 1:01:25
- Audrey Watters; Un-Annotated
- https://twitter.com/telliowkuwp/status/857560049811509250
- https://twitter.com/funnymonkey/status/857377579753512961
- Doug Belshaw greift das in seinem NL auf: “A few years ago, Audrey Watters removed comments from her site due to these kinds of problems. Now, she’s fighting against ‚web annotation‘, which, at its worst, is a kind of grafitti website owners are just expected to deal with because of ‚innovation‘. Audrey begs to differ, and I think she makes some important points. The problem isn’t that we have different opinions and values; it’s that we think that other people should share them. Like petulant children, we assume that the way we see the world is how others should see it. One example of this is through the pretty reactionary focus on ‚empiricism‘ and ‚what works‘ by those who believe in traditional education.”
- Podcast: http://podcast.contrafabulists.com/2017/04/30/episode-52
Marke 1:14:20
Marke 1:23:50
- Interview mit Jill Lepore: “To believe that change is driven by technology, when technology is driven by humans, renders force and power invisible.”
Marke 1:32:50
Marke 1:42:00
Was wir tun werden
- Fährt zum OER Camp Süd (direkter ICE von Lübeck aus, Fahrtzeit knapp 7h)
- Fährt zum OER Camp West
- Urlaub auf Formentera
- Beobachtung re:publica aus sicherer Entfernung